
Mission & Values


The mission of Rehabwheel is to create quality, innovative and safe products to improve the health and quality of life of people worldwide.



Preserving honesty is necessary. An honest person's reputation will help in good times as well as in bad times. Honesty sets the tone for the whole organization.


Need to set the tone. 
The organization is equal to its leaders. Leaders set the tone for the whole organization. 


Maximize the use of the organization's intelligence. 
The CEO's duty is to disclose the intellectual potential of all employees, identify their best ideas and share them with others. The search for more efficient methods of work and the active exchange of new knowledge are an integral part of the work of Rehabwheel. 


First people, then strategy. 
The correct selection of performers is much more important than the development of a strategy. This rule applies to all areas of our business. 


Informal atmosphere. 
The informal environment frees us and gives us a competitive advantage. 


Self-confidence is extremely useful unless it becomes arrogant. The self-confident person is receptive: he welcomes changes and new ideas from any sources and is not afraid that his views will be questioned. 


For truly enthusiastic people, there are no trifles or too bold purposes.


Striving for more. 
The desire for more is an attempt to implement what was previously impossible. If the company is striving for more, the team members of the branch are asked to draw up action plans, where their dream is reflected - the highest figure that they could achieve. This gives people energy and faith in their abilities.


The reward for the required indicators. 
Measuring the required indicators and rewarding them for their performance is always necessary.


Constant estimates. 
Employees and contractors should always be aware of their effectiveness.